How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

In the world of social media, keeping track of who follows and unfollows you is like a game of constant monitoring. On Instagram, knowing who unfollowed you can be crucial for understanding your audience, managing your account, and potentially identifying trends or patterns in your following. In this article, we'll guide you through the various methods to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram, so you can navigate the platform's dynamics.

Instagram, being a popular social media platform, doesn't provide a direct feature to notify you about those who unfollowed you. But fear not! There are clever workarounds and third-party tools that can help you uncover the mystery of who bid farewell to your follower list. Let's dive into the details and explore these methods together.

Now that you have a clear understanding of the reasons why you might want to know who unfollowed you on Instagram, it's time to explore the different methods that can help you uncover this information. From using third-party apps and websites to employing clever techniques within the Instagram platform itself, there are several ways to satisfy your curiosity.

how to see who unfollowed you on instagram

Uncover the secrets of your follower list.

  • Use third-party apps or websites.
  • Enable post and story notifications.
  • Check your follower list regularly.
  • Analyze your engagement metrics.
  • Compare your follower count with your following count.
  • Monitor your insights and analytics.
  • Leverage Instagram's "Following" tab.
  • Keep an eye on your close friends list.
  • Utilize Instagram's "Suggested" section.
  • Stay updated with Instagram's algorithm changes.

Stay informed and stay connected with your audience.

Use third-party apps or websites.

In the vast landscape of the internet, there exists a multitude of third-party apps and websites that cater specifically to the need of uncovering who unfollowed you on Instagram. These tools leverage various methods to track your follower count and notify you whenever someone decides to bid farewell to your audience. Let's delve into the details of how these apps and websites operate:

1. Data Tracking: At their core, these third-party apps and websites rely on data tracking to monitor changes in your follower count. They achieve this by periodically syncing with your Instagram account and recording the list of your followers. Once this initial snapshot is established, they continue to monitor your account for any discrepancies between the current follower list and the previous one.

2. Real-time Notifications: Many of these apps and websites offer real-time notifications, ensuring that you're promptly informed whenever someone unfollows you. This immediacy can be particularly useful if you're actively managing your Instagram account and want to stay on top of any fluctuations in your follower count.

3. Comprehensive Reports: In addition to providing real-time notifications, some third-party apps and websites also offer comprehensive reports that provide detailed insights into your follower activity. These reports may include historical data, trends, and analytics that can help you understand the overall performance of your account.

4. Additional Features: Beyond the core functionality of tracking unfollowers, many third-party apps and websites offer additional features that can enhance your Instagram experience. These features may include follower analysis, engagement tracking, post scheduling, and even content suggestions to help you grow your audience.

While third-party apps and websites can be powerful tools for tracking unfollowers, it's important to choose reputable and trustworthy services. Carefully research and read reviews before granting access to your Instagram account, and always be cautious about providing personal information.

Enable post and story notifications.

Instagram's notification settings offer a simple yet effective way to stay informed about new interactions on your account, including when someone unfollows you. By enabling post and story notifications, you can receive alerts whenever someone interacts with your content, allowing you to quickly identify any unfollows.

1. Turn on Post Notifications: To enable post notifications, navigate to your Instagram profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner. Select "Settings" and then "Notifications." Under the "Posts, Stories, and Comments" section, tap "All Posts" to ensure you receive notifications for all new posts.

2. Turn on Story Notifications: To enable story notifications, follow the same steps as above. In the "Notifications" section, tap "Stories" and select "All Stories" to receive notifications whenever someone views your story.

3. Monitor Your Notifications: Once you've enabled post and story notifications, keep an eye on your Instagram notifications. Whenever someone unfollows you, you'll receive a notification indicating that they've done so. This method is particularly useful for staying up-to-date on unfollows in real-time.

4. Limitations: While enabling post and story notifications can be helpful, it's important to note that Instagram's notification system is not always reliable. You may not receive notifications for every unfollow, especially if you have a large number of followers. Additionally, Instagram's algorithm may prioritize certain types of notifications over others, so it's possible that unfollow notifications may not always appear at the top of your feed.

Despite these limitations, enabling post and story notifications can still be a valuable strategy for staying informed about unfollows, particularly when combined with other methods such as third-party apps or websites.

Check your follower list regularly.

While it may seem like a tedious task, manually checking your follower list can be an effective way to identify unfollowers, especially if you have a relatively small number of followers. By periodically reviewing your list, you can spot any names that have disappeared since your last check.

  • Compare Your Current List to a Previous List: One simple method is to compare your current follower list to a previous list that you've recorded. You can do this by taking screenshots of your follower list at regular intervals and then comparing them side-by-side to see if there are any discrepancies.
  • Use a Spreadsheet or List Management Tool: If you have a large number of followers, manually checking your list may become impractical. In this case, consider using a spreadsheet or list management tool to track your followers. You can enter your follower list into the tool and then use its sorting and filtering features to identify any unfollows.
  • Leverage Third-Party Apps: Some third-party apps offer features that allow you to easily track your followers and identify unfollows. These apps can automatically sync with your Instagram account and provide you with up-to-date information about your follower count and who has unfollowed you.
  • Monitor Sudden Drops in Your Follower Count: Keep an eye on your overall follower count. If you notice a sudden drop, it's worth investigating further to see if there are any specific users who have unfollowed you.

While checking your follower list regularly can be a time-consuming process, it can be a valuable method for staying informed about unfollows, particularly if you don't want to rely on third-party apps or notifications.

Analyze your engagement metrics.

Instagram provides a wealth of data and insights about your account's performance, including engagement metrics. By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior and identify any trends or patterns that may be related to unfollows.

  • Monitor Your Engagement Rate: Engagement rate is a measure of how well your content resonates with your audience. It's calculated by dividing the total number of interactions (likes, comments, shares, saves) by the number of followers. A declining engagement rate may indicate that your content is not resonating with your audience, which could lead to unfollows.
  • Track Your Post Reach and Impressions: Reach refers to the number of unique accounts that saw your post, while impressions refer to the total number of times your post was seen. A decrease in reach and impressions may suggest that your posts are not being seen by as many people as before, which could be a sign that some followers have unfollowed you.
  • Analyze Your Follower Growth Rate: Your follower growth rate is a measure of how quickly your follower count is increasing. A sudden drop in your growth rate, or even a negative growth rate, may indicate that you're losing followers.
  • Review Your Content Performance: Take a close look at the performance of your recent posts. Are there any posts that have significantly lower engagement than your usual content? If so, it's possible that these posts may have caused some followers to unfollow you.

By analyzing your engagement metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the overall health of your Instagram account and identify any areas that may need improvement. This information can help you understand why you may be losing followers and take steps to address the issue.

Compare your follower count with your following count.

Another simple yet effective way to identify unfollows is to compare your follower count with your following count. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find Your Follower and Following Counts: Open your Instagram profile and look at the numbers displayed below your profile picture. The first number represents your follower count, while the second number represents your following count.

2. Calculate the Difference: Subtract your following count from your follower count. The result is the number of people who follow you but you don't follow back.

3. Analyze the Difference: If the difference between your follower count and your following count is increasing, it's likely that you're losing followers. This is because when someone unfollows you, your follower count decreases, but your following count remains the same.

4. Identify Potential Unfollowers: If you suspect that you're losing followers, you can try to identify potential unfollowers by looking at your following list. Scroll through your following list and see if there are any accounts that you no longer recognize or engage with. These accounts may be potential unfollowers.

Comparing your follower count with your following count can give you a quick indication of whether you're losing followers. However, it's important to note that this method is not always accurate, especially if you have a large number of followers. In such cases, it's recommended to use other methods, such as third-party apps or analyzing your engagement metrics, to get a more comprehensive understanding of your follower activity.

Monitor your insights and analytics.

Instagram insights and analytics provide a wealth of valuable data that can help you understand your audience's behavior and engagement with your content. By monitoring your insights and analytics, you can identify trends and patterns that may be related to unfollows.

1. Analyze Your Audience Insights: Instagram insights provide detailed information about your audience, including their demographics, interests, and behavior. By analyzing your audience insights, you can gain a better understanding of who is unfollowing you and why.

2. Track Your Content Performance: Instagram insights also allow you to track the performance of your posts and stories. Pay attention to metrics such as impressions, reach, engagement, and saves. A decline in these metrics may indicate that your content is not resonating with your audience, which could lead to unfollows.

3. Monitor Your Story Engagement: Stories are a popular feature on Instagram, and they can be a good way to engage with your audience. Keep an eye on your story engagement metrics, such as views, replies, and shares. A decrease in story engagement may suggest that some viewers have unfollowed you.

4. Analyze Your Hashtag Performance: Hashtags are a powerful way to reach new audiences and grow your following. Monitor the performance of your hashtags by tracking metrics such as impressions and reach. If you find that certain hashtags are not performing well, it may be a sign that your content is not relevant to the intended audience, which could lead to unfollows.

By monitoring your insights and analytics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior and identify any factors that may be contributing to unfollows. This information can help you make changes to your content and engagement strategy to address the issue.

Leverage Instagram's "Following" tab.

Instagram's "Following" tab can be a useful tool for identifying potential unfollowers, especially if you have a large number of followers. Here's how you can use it:

1. Open Your Following List: Tap on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner of the Instagram app to open your profile. Then, tap on the "Following" tab below your profile information.

2. Scroll Through Your Following List: Start scrolling through your following list. As you scroll, pay attention to any accounts that you no longer recognize or engage with. These accounts may be potential unfollowers.

3. Check for Inactive Accounts: Look for accounts that have not posted any content recently or have a very low number of posts. These accounts may be inactive, and their owners may have unfollowed you without you noticing.

4. Identify Suspicious Accounts: Be wary of accounts with suspicious activity, such as a high number of followers but very few posts or followers. These accounts may be bots or spam accounts, and they may have unfollowed you after following you.

While the "Following" tab can be a helpful tool for identifying potential unfollowers, it's important to note that it's not always accurate. Some people may unfollow you without you ever noticing, and some accounts may be inactive without having unfollowed you. Therefore, it's recommended to use other methods, such as third-party apps or analyzing your engagement metrics, to get a more comprehensive understanding of your follower activity.

Keep an eye on your close friends list.

Instagram's close friends list is a great way to share content with a select group of people. However, it can also be a useful tool for identifying unfollowers.

  • Add People to Your Close Friends List: Start by adding people to your close friends list who you interact with regularly and who you're confident are genuine followers. This will give you a baseline to compare against.
  • Monitor Your Close Friends List: Keep an eye on your close friends list and notice if anyone disappears. If someone who was previously on your close friends list is no longer there, it's possible that they have unfollowed you.
  • Check Their Profile: If you suspect that someone has unfollowed you, visit their profile to confirm. If you can no longer see their posts or stories, it means that they have indeed unfollowed you.
  • Consider Their Engagement: Before jumping to conclusions, consider the person's engagement with your content. If they have consistently liked, commented, or shared your posts in the past, it's possible that they may have accidentally unfollowed you. You could try reaching out to them to confirm.

While monitoring your close friends list can be a helpful way to identify unfollowers, it's important to note that it's not always accurate. Some people may unfollow you without removing you from their close friends list, and some people may accidentally unfollow you. Therefore, it's recommended to use other methods, such as third-party apps or analyzing your engagement metrics, to get a more comprehensive understanding of your follower activity.

Utilize Instagram's "Suggested" section.

Instagram's "Suggested" section can be a useful tool for identifying potential unfollowers, especially if you have a large number of followers. Here's how you can use it:

1. Open Your "Suggested" Section: Tap on the compass icon in the top-right corner of the Instagram app to open the "Explore" page. Then, tap on the "Suggested" tab at the top of the page.

2. Scroll Through the Suggestions: Start scrolling through the suggested accounts. As you scroll, pay attention to any accounts that you no longer recognize or engage with. These accounts may be potential unfollowers.

3. Check for Inactive Accounts: Look for accounts that have not posted any content recently or have a very low number of posts. These accounts may be inactive, and their owners may have unfollowed you without you noticing.

4. Identify Suspicious Accounts: Be wary of accounts with suspicious activity, such as a high number of followers but very few posts or followers. These accounts may be bots or spam accounts, and they may have unfollowed you after following you.

While the "Suggested" section can be a helpful tool for identifying potential unfollowers, it's important to note that it's not always accurate. Some people may unfollow you without you ever noticing, and some accounts may be inactive without having unfollowed you. Therefore, it's recommended to use other methods, such as third-party apps or analyzing your engagement metrics, to get a more comprehensive understanding of your follower activity.

Stay updated with Instagram's algorithm changes.

Instagram's algorithm is constantly evolving, and these changes can have a significant impact on your reach and engagement. Staying updated with these changes can help you understand why you may be losing followers and make adjustments to your content and engagement strategy accordingly.

1. Follow Instagram's Official Accounts: Instagram has several official accounts, such as @instagram and @creators, that provide updates and insights about the platform's algorithm changes. Follow these accounts to stay informed about the latest developments.

2. Read Industry Blogs and Websites: There are many reputable blogs and websites that cover Instagram news and trends. These sources can provide valuable insights into the algorithm's inner workings and how it may be affecting your account.

3. Attend Instagram Webinars and Workshops: Instagram often hosts webinars and workshops where experts share their knowledge about the platform's algorithm. Attending these events can help you learn more about the algorithm and how to optimize your content for success.

4. Experiment and Test Different Strategies: As the algorithm changes, it's important to experiment with different content formats, posting times, and engagement strategies to see what works best for your account. Keep track of your results and make adjustments based on what you learn.

By staying updated with Instagram's algorithm changes and adapting your strategy accordingly, you can minimize the impact of unfollows and maintain a healthy and engaged audience.


Have more questions about how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Question 1: Why do people unfollow me on Instagram?
Answer 1: There are various reasons why someone might unfollow you on Instagram. It could be because they're no longer interested in your content, they've found a new account that they prefer, or they're trying to declutter their feed. Sometimes, people unfollow without any particular reason.

Question 2: Can I see a list of people who have unfollowed me?
Answer 2: Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't provide a direct feature to show you a list of people who have unfollowed you. However, there are third-party apps and websites that claim to offer this service. Keep in mind that these tools may not always be accurate or reliable.

Question 3: How can I find out if someone has unfollowed me?
Answer 3: There are several ways to find out if someone has unfollowed you. You can check your follower list regularly and see if any names have disappeared. You can also enable post and story notifications, which will alert you whenever someone interacts with your content. Additionally, you can analyze your engagement metrics and see if there's a noticeable drop in your reach or engagement.

Question 4: Is it bad if I have a lot of unfollowers?
Answer 4: Losing followers is a normal part of using social media. It's important to remember that not everyone will be interested in your content. Focus on creating content that you're passionate about and that resonates with your target audience. Don't get discouraged if you have some unfollowers; instead, use it as an opportunity to improve your content and engagement strategy.

Question 5: What can I do to prevent people from unfollowing me?
Answer 5: There are several things you can do to try to prevent people from unfollowing you. Make sure your content is high-quality and engaging, post consistently, and interact with your followers regularly. You can also use Instagram's insights and analytics to understand your audience and tailor your content to their interests.

Question 6: Should I unfollow people who don't interact with my content?
Answer 6: It's ultimately up to you whether or not to unfollow people who don't engage with your content. Some people choose to do this to keep their feed clean and relevant, while others prefer to keep a larger number of followers. If you're considering unfollowing someone, consider whether or not their presence on your feed is adding value to your experience.

These are just a few of the many questions and answers related to seeing who has unfollowed you on Instagram. If you have any other questions, feel free to search online or consult with other Instagram users.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram, let's explore some additional tips to help you navigate this aspect of social media.


Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the world of unfollows on Instagram:

Tip 1: Focus on Creating Valuable Content: The best way to prevent unfollows and attract new followers is to focus on creating high-quality and engaging content. Make sure your posts are visually appealing, informative, and relevant to your target audience. Don't be afraid to experiment with different content formats, such as photos, videos, stories, and reels.

Tip 2: Engage with Your Audience: One of the best ways to keep your followers engaged and prevent unfollows is to interact with them regularly. Respond to comments and messages, ask questions, and run polls and contests. Show your followers that you value their opinions and that you're interested in what they have to say.

Tip 3: Use Instagram Insights: Instagram's insights and analytics can provide valuable insights into your audience's behavior and preferences. Use this data to understand what type of content your followers are most interested in and when they're most active on the platform. Tailor your content and posting schedule accordingly.

Tip 4: Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with other Instagram users can be a great way to reach a new audience and gain more followers. Partner with other creators in your niche to create joint content, host giveaways, or participate in challenges. This can help you cross-promote your accounts and attract new followers who are interested in similar content.

Remember, losing followers is a normal part of using social media. Don't let it discourage you. Instead, focus on creating great content, engaging with your audience, and using Instagram's features to your advantage. By following these tips, you can minimize the impact of unfollows and maintain a healthy and engaged following.

While there's no surefire way to prevent all unfollows, implementing these strategies can help you create a more engaging and enjoyable Instagram experience for yourself and your followers.


Navigating the world of unfollows on Instagram can be a challenging but manageable task. By understanding the reasons why people unfollow, utilizing various methods to identify unfollowers, and implementing strategies to minimize unfollows, you can maintain a healthy and engaged audience.

Remember, losing followers is a normal part of using social media. It's more important to focus on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and using Instagram's features to your advantage. By doing so, you can create a positive and enjoyable Instagram experience for yourself and your followers.

Keep in mind that Instagram is a platform for sharing and connecting with others. Embrace the opportunity to learn from your unfollows and use them as a chance to improve your content and engagement strategy. Stay informed about the platform's algorithm changes and adapt your approach accordingly. With a little effort and dedication, you can build a loyal and engaged following on Instagram.

So, don't let the fear of unfollows hold you back. Embrace the challenge, experiment with different strategies, and enjoy the journey of growing and nurturing your Instagram community.

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